Thursday, January 9, 2014

Gollum of America

Howdy doody folkys!
We are gearing up to head out into the wild blue yonder tomorrow and leave this frozen wasteland in the dust. (Just kidding, Minneapolis, we love you. Even though you froze our boogers.)

The other day, we ventured out into the frozen tundra to visit the Mall of America in all its commercialized glory. Mr. Gollum snuck into Daniel's pants unbeknownst to him and hitched a ride. Don't ask questions, no one wants to know what happened there.

But he came with us so let's get to the pictures because I'm like a proud mama with a new Nikon at her son's first oboe recital.

Gollum felt right at home at Legoland!
He liked the Minotaur the bestsies.

Gollum encourages you to treat life like he does and just think happy.
Look at that smile!

There's a store in the mall where you buy things to say you were buying things at stores in the mall!

Daniel got a wee bit too excited about the Discover the Dinosaurs store.
He discovered them all right... yes he did.

Gollum loves booty!
...also treasure.

This is the original home plate when the Mall of America was the home of the Twins. They sealed it in silver when the mall took over and they charge 2 dollars to step on it and give your best Mickey Mantel impression. True story! (I'm a dirty liar)

So there you have it! Proof we actually did more than sit in our hotel room watching HBO and eating jelly packets from breakfast. We also discovered Gollum made friendship bracelets with the housekeeping staff. Yes, the whole staff.

NEXT STOP: South Side Family Charter School(preview performance!)
Kowabunga dudes!

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